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# Dream ideas
Search and Destroy flying robots
In my dream there were these robots that flew around, they looked similar to flying robots in terminator 2, but these were much more mech like and had a lot of panels on them and were very tall. They would roam around the country side looking for insurgents and people (people I was) who were considered troublesome. They used a form of AI to do this and we would carry around these sheets that we could quickly roll out when one was flying by that would have a specially formed picture on them that would confuse the AI. It mostly worked and we would walk with impunity places as long as we had enough notice to get it out and face it in the correct direction. Sometimes we would carry more than one for the times we had to cover for two or more.
These printed pictures were a weird looking looking texture that to the robots looked invisible or in the more modern iterations like innocent looking items. Sometimes they would setup ones that looked like important targets just to bait the robots into attacking them and then ambushing the would be 'security' robot.